Scholarly Resources

Publications 228
Patents 24
Closed Access
Gold OA
Bronze OA
  • Journal Articles120
  • Conference / In Proceedings80
  • Books / Chapters13
  • Other15

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Top ten Profiles

Dr Aditi Zear Assistant Professor
Mr Kamal Kumar Gola Assistant Professor
Dr Nitesh Dutt Associate Professor
Dr Kamal Kant Verma Associate Professor
Dr Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay Professor
Dr Rakhi Bhardwaj Associate Professor
Dr Mridula Associate Professor
Dr Anjani Kumar Singha Assistant Professor
Mr Kamal Kumar Gola Assistant Professor
Dr Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay Professor
Mr Himanshu Gupta Assistant Professor
Dr Sumit Kumar Associate Professor
Dr Nitesh Dutt Associate Professor
Dr Aditi Zear Assistant Professor
Dr Mridula Associate Professor
Dr Rakhi Bhardwaj Associate Professor


Optimal cluster head selection for energy efficien...

Author: Kumar A.;mehbodniya A.;Webber J.L.;Anul Haq M.;Gola K.K.;Singh P.;Karupusamy S.;Bader Alazzam M.

Hydrothermal synthesis of mesoporous NiMnO325m

Author: Dhas S.D.;Maldar P.S.;Patil M.D.;Hubali K.M.;Shembade U.V.;Abitkar S.B.;Waikar M.R.;Sonkawade R.G.;Agawane G.L.;Moholkar A.V.

Experimental studies of latent heat storage based ...

Author: Saxena A.;Cuce E.;Singh D.B.;Sethi M.;Cuce P.M.;Sagade A.A.;Kumar A.

Thermo-hydraulic performance of solar air heater h...

Author: Dutt N.;Hedau A.J.;Kumar A.;Awasthi M.K.;Singh V.P.;Dwivedi G.

Wear behavior of disk shape spray formed Al-Si-Pb ...

Author: Mittal, Rashmi;Tomar, Aruna;Singh, Devendra